
Is there a coyote roaming around in St. Michel

There may be a coyote on the loose in the citys north end — at least according to a couple of social media posts last week.

There may be a coyote on the loose in the city's north end — at least according to a couple of social media posts last week.

They were both made to the Spotted: Montreal Facebook page. The first was last Wednesday before noon, and its author says he and a friend were actually attacked by a coyote in at Jean-Rivard Park on 2nd Ave. north of the Met.

"We were sitting on the ground with my two dogs, and [the coyote] tried to start something with my Pomeranian!!!" the post reads. "He really wanted to attack us."

The poster then wrote that he called police, who did nothing, and appeared more frightened than they were. Then the poster wondered out loud why there weren't any signs in the park warning about coyotes — or any warnings of any kind from the city.

Meanwhile, another post on the Spotted: Montreal page posted later on that evening seemed to corroborate that story.

"Further to the comment about a coyote attack, I met [one] over the last few weeks at Paul-Ouellette Park and at Frederic-Back Park, at the Emile-Journault entrance, in the St. Michel district," the post read.

The person who posted that account also included a photo of what looked to be a coyote.

One of the comments suggested there was a coyote sighting on Maurice-Duplessis Blvd. in Riviere-des-Prairies.

The borough of Villeray-St. Michel-Park Extension says its park staff were informed of the Facebook posts, and that they had heard of at least one coyote sighting in recent weeks.

Coyotes in urban settings are nothing new. The Montreal SPCA says they receive many calls about coyote sightings — so much so that they've created a page on their web site outlining how to tell the difference between a coyote and another animal, and what to do if you happen to spot one.

For instance, if you're in a park and you happen to spot one, slowly back away from them rather than run away. Don't attempt to feed them, and do not let your dog chase a coyote. He may get hurt in a fight with the animal. 

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