
COVID19 resources phone numbers, important websites

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computer person
The Quebec government has a web site, and a number 18776444545.

Where to call if you have symptoms:

  • 1-877-644-4545
  • 514-644-4545
  • 450-644-4545
  • 819-644-4545

General Information

How to get vaccinated

What you should do if you have symptoms

Do you need to get tested?

Montreal's testing clinics

COVID-Alert App

Quebec Alert levels by region

Quebec government COVID-19 website

Quebec government daily updated situation page

Situation in Montreal 

Federal government Outbreak Update

Support available from the federal government

Federal travel advisory

Returning to Canada after travel

COVID-19 across Canada hub

Health and Hygiene

211 service for seniors in Greater Montréal

Wash your hands: Advice from the federal government, Quebec government and World Health Organization

Dealing with Stress, Anxiety and Depression because of COVID-19

How to help

Je Benevole: Government portal to put volunteers in touch with organizations that need their services. 

Je Contribue COVID-19: Anyone with experience or training in the health and social services sector and who wants to help out because of COVID-19 is invited to fill out the form on this page.

The Frontline Fund: By donating to The Frontline Fund, which represents Canadian hospital foundations dealing with COVID-19 all across the country, you can help arm frontline healthcare workers in Canada with what they need to defeat COVID-19.

COVID Trials: A hub to accelerate Canadian COVID-19 clinical trials by connecting Canadians who want to participate in active clinical trials with the researchers who are recruiting patients.

Centraide of Greater Montreal

Canadian Red Cross

Give blood






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