
Fword isnt vulgar when its aired in French broadcast regulator

The Canadian Broadcast Standards Council is loosening up when it comes to using the Fword on French language radio.

The Canadian Broadcast Standards Council is loosening up when it comes to using the F-word on French language radio.

The CBSC examined complaints from a listener about coarse language that aired during 2 separate broadcasts on CKOI-FM in January and March 2017.

The regulator concluded in a decision released Tuesday that the station didn't violate the industry's code of ethics on profanity, ruling the F-word in French doesn't have the same vulgar connotation as it does in English.

In a previous decision regarding the use of the expletive in a French language television program, the CBSC ruled if the word is used infrequently and not as an insult towards a particular person, it would be deemed acceptable, in the context of French-language programming.