
Men arrested in Great Maple Syrup Heist found guilty of 18.7 million syrup theft

maple syrup tap
maple syrup tap

Three men have been convicted for the Great Maple Syrup Heist and will be sentenced in January.

Richard and his father Raymond Vallieres, as well as Etienne St. Pierre, were found guilty by a Trois-Rivieres jury on Saturday of a swath of charges, all related to the theft of $18.7 million in maple syrup over a 12-month period during 2011 and 2012.

More trials are coming for their co-accused, though some have pleaded guilty or had their charges dropped. Five others will stand trial in January.

The three found guilty will be sentence on Jan. 27.

They were arrested in Sept. 2012 after it was discovered  3,000 tonnes of maple syrup was stolen from a warehouse used by Federation of Quebec Maple Syrup Producers--the overseeing body that regulates the maple syrup industry in the province--and swapped out with water.

The theft and subsequent arrests made international headlines.

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