More journalists targeted in police leak probes

As the city and parts of the world continue to react to the revelation that Montreal police had been spying on a local journalist, other reporters have also been targeted in the increasing search for anyone on the force leaking information.
According to the Journal de Montreal, its own investigative reporter Félix Séguin, 98.5 FM's Monic Néron and independent journalist Fabrice de Pierrebourg have all been the subjects of internal informant investigations.
Unlike the tracking of Patrick Lagacé's iPhone, this spying was done on the police side and therefore needed no warrant from a Judge.
To find out who may have been leaking information, internal investigators searched through massive amounts of internal phone data to see which officer or officers ever made contact with any of the reporters in question.
Several sources told the paper the tactic is not new, but the audits have been conducted each time a media outlet publishes a story that reflects poorly on the SPVM.
While there are still many questions about the legality of the tracking of Lagacé's phone, monitoring its own officers is fully within the rights of police management.