
New CHUM superhospital prepares for patient transfer this weekend

Montreals new Frenchlanguage superhospital is prepping for the first of three major patient transfers on Sunday.

Montreal's new French-language superhospital is prepping for the first of three major patient transfers on Sunday.

The vast operation will see patients moved from Saint-Luc hospital to the newly-built Centre hospitalier de l'Universite de Montreal, or CHUM.

That process will begin on Sunday morning at 5 a.m.

About 600 volunteers and medical professionals will be on hand to help with the move and a special passageway has been erected between the two institutions to facilitate the transfer.

Saint-Luc is the first of three hospitals to be incorporated into the new hospital.

Hotel-Dieu's transfer is scheduled for Nov. 5 and Notre-Dame's for Nov. 26.

Officials are urging Montrealers to avoid the emergency room at Saint-Luc in the leadup to the transfer.

The operation is being managed by Health Care Relocations, an American company that also facilitated the MUHC move in 2015.

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