Tony Magi, a reputed mobster and construction boss whose name came up several times during the Charbonneau Commission's hearings, appears to have died at the hands of an assassin Thursday morning in NDG.
Montreal police say a man in his 50s was shot at least once in the head around 11:15 Thursday morning near the corner of St. Jacques St. and Beaconsfield Ave. Police confirmed the death a little more than two hours later.
CTV Montreal is quoting sources as saying the dead man is Magi.
It's not the first time Magi has been targeted by would-be assassins. In 2008, Magi's SUV was shot at several times near the corner of Sherbrooke St. and Cavendish Blvd., but he survived.
On Dec. 28, 2009, Magi's former business partner, Nicolo Rizzuto Jr. — son of the late former mob boss Vito Rizzuto — was shot to death as he left Magi's office on Upper Lachine Rd.
In 2011, Magi's wife was also targeted by would-be assassins not far from their NDG home, and two years later, an armed man walked toward the home, but were chased away by Magi's bodyguards.
As of 1:30 p.m. Thursday, St. Jacques St. between Hingston Ave. and Grand Boulevard is closed, as police begin their investigation.
NDG shooting victim is Tony Magi, a mobster who survived other attempts on his life in the past.
— Stéphane Giroux (@SGirouxCTV) January 24, 2019