
Second burned cat found in Rosemont–La PetitePatrie

The Montreal SPCA is asking for the publics help in finding those involved in a recent pair of animal abuse cases in the RosemontLa PetitePatrie borough.

The Montreal SPCA is asking for the public's help in finding those involved in a recent pair of animal abuse cases in the Rosemont-La Petite-Patrie borough.

In a Facebook post the SPCA said on Tuesday someone brought a deceased cat to the animal shelter. It had been left in the dog park between Saint-Dominique St. and Casgrain Ave. next to the train tracks.

The SPCA says the cat, named Azur by staff, sustained extensive burns to his body.

This is the second time in six months a cat has been found burned in the area. 

On April 29th a deceased cat with extensive burns to her entire body was brought the shelter. The feline, named Ciel by staff was found next to the railroad tracks near Bernard East and Saint-Dominique, also in Rosemont-La Petite-Patrie.

The second recent case in the same borough happened two weeks ago.

A three-month old orange kitten, now named Scott, was found inside a blue clothing donation bin at 5635 Fullum, near Dandurand St.

According to the SPCA, Scott was trapped inside a laundry basket that had been fastened shut with a number of straps and tie wraps.

Anyone with information related either case is asked to contact the Montreal SPCA inspection department at or (514) 735-2711 extension 2230. 

All tips are treated confidentially.

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