Site of fatal bike crash now has a No UTurn sign — in French only

A No UTurn sign has appeared at the base of CamillienHoude Way, near the site where a 18yearold cyclist Clement Ouimet was killed.
A 'No U-Turn' sign has appeared at the base of Camillien-Houde Way, near the site where a 18-year-old cyclist Clement Ouimet was killed.
The sign has many people shaking their heads. It is not the usual pictogram that motorists are used to seeing around town. Instead, it features the French only text: "Demi-tour interdit."
Mont Royal is one of Montreal's most popular tourist destinations and some are expressing concern how some may not be able to interpret the sign.
When asked about the sign, Mayor Coderre did not seem to be aware of why the sign had gone up like that, but agreed that is should be replaced by the usual pictogram.
-Matt Gilmour (CJAD 800)