Starting today Quebecers are being asked to save the magic and save a life.
It's all part of a new Société de l 'assurance automobile du Québec (SAAQ) campaign looking to reduce the number of people who get behind the wheel after enjoying a bit too much holiday cheer.
The ads feature a festive theme with the message: "Help save the magic of the holidays. If someone close to you has been drinking, stop them from driving."
The videos will be played on TV and online, while you can hear an audio only version on the Spotify music app.
The campaign runs from November 27 to December 24.
"Given the many alternatives that exist, there is no excuse for leaving a loved one to drive while impaired" said Nathalie Tremblay, President and Chief Executive Officer of the SAAQ. "You can call a taxi or escort service like Operation Red Nose, offer hospitality or be a designated driver. To intervene with a loved one is to show them that you care about them."
According the SAAQ, between 2011 and 2015 alcohol-related crashes killed an average of 130 people each year, and drunk driving remains one of the leading causes of accidents in Quebec.
"The holiday season is usually synonymous with fun and quality time spent with the family. Unfortunately, every year alcohol-related traffic accidents darken the magic of the holidays" said Quebec Transport Minister André Fortin. "I urge everyone to exercise caution when traveling and to intervene to prevent a loved one from getting behind the wheel if they cannot do so."