Spinal Tap meets The White Stripes in Otto and Astrid's One-Night Stand. Hailing from Berlin, this punk-pop sibling duo stumbles through their set while sorting out their differences. Die Roten Punkte was a hit at several Montreal festivals, but it's been a few years since they've been back...so seeing them Friday or Saturday at MainLine Theatre should be at the top of your to-do list!
Get inked - or just look admire the ink with your eyes - at the 17th Art Tattoo Montreal. 200 tattoo artists take over Windsor Station all weekend.
Kimchi and yeast, kombucha and tempeh: pungent but nutritious foods are on display at the first-ever Ferment Fest Montreal at Marché Jean Talon on Saturday. Take a workshops on how to make sauerkraut or kimchi, and pick up your fave foods.
Montreal playwright Vittorio Rossi's classic The Chain follows the Testas, an immigrant Italian family dealing with rivalry, land disputes and bad business decisions. It starts Friday at McGill's Moyse Hall and runs until October 6.
The Pianist of Willesden Lane is the true story of Lisa, a teenager sent by her parents from Nazi-occupied Vienna to relative safety in London. Through loss and trauma, her passion for piano proves to be a lifeline. Her daughter, Mona Golabek, shares Lisa's story in the first person in this remarkable and touching solo show, at the Segal until September 29.
The Mummies are here! Learn about the world of six people who lived along the Nile a long, long time ago in this new show, Exploring Ancient Lives, at the Montreal Museum of Fine Arts. It opens Saturday.
Improvisers, Do Other Stuff! Irish-to-Montreal transplant Laura Flynn is inspired by the old-school variety shows she watched growing up in Dundalk. On Friday, she'll don sequins and host a range of improvisers showing off their other skills, from singing to mime to Irish dancing - and more. Friday, 10pm at Montreal Improv.
Camille: au delà du visuel is a fascinating theatre and dance piece that you are not supposed to see. Director Audrey-Anne Bouchard, who has peripheral vision, designed this show to bring the full theatre experience to people living with visual impairments by using our remaining senses. If you have any form of sight, you will be blindfolded. All six audience members are guided through the world of Pierre, who has been ghosted by his childhood friend Camille. A tender and enchanting experience like no other, at the MAI until September 22.
Shorter days are a reminder that summer is winding down, but an earlier sunset means that the lanterns will illuminate The Gardens of Light! The 27th edition will feature three parts: the Chinese, Japanese and First Nations gardens. At the Botanical Gardens until Halloween. Note that tickets have timed entry.
Be moved by a collection of the most powerful press photos of the past year at the annual World Press Photo Exhibition at Marché Bonsecours.
DJ Psycho Killer spins music from new wave band Talking Heads, and associated acts, at the World of Talking Heads Dance Party Friday, 11pm at Bar Le Ritz PDB.
The Terry Fox Run has raised hundreds of millions of dollars for cancer research over the past 30 years. Join the fight on Sunday and take part in the morning run at the Old Port at 9:30am or at Westmount Park at 1:30. Terry's brother Darrell will be the guest of honour. Listener Lisa Lemelin reached out to us as well to mention that she is organizing her second run in Ville St Laurent on Sunday. It's her 33rd year taking part - congrats Lisa!
Burlesque performer and producer (and my pal) Miss Meow likes to celebrate her birthday with a blowout bash: check out Miss Meow's 5th Annual Postmodern Jukebox Burlesque Friday, 9pm at the Wiggle Room. Host Pinot Noir will be joined by dancers like Booty Jones, Mystic Mink and not one but two Honeys: Dynamite and Luster.