YOUR STORYMomtobe worried her husband will be booted from Jewish General after she gives birth

An expectant mom is worried her husband won't be able to stay with her in hospital after giving birth, after another new mom told her that's what happened to her at the Jewish General Hospital.
But a hospital official reassures her that won't be the case.
The woman, who's 36 weeks pregnant, did not wish to give her name out of concern for her family - she said that she was shocked to hear that the husband of a woman who just gave birth wasn't able to stay in hospital with her. The new mom then elected to be disharged earlier even though she wasn't ready so they could be all together.
After getting no reply from the hospital, the mother-to-be contacted saying she doesn't want that to happen to her.
"Having my husband leave immediately after I give birth, I think it's completely irrational, heartless and..." she said, her voice breaking.
"Sorry, I'm getting a little bit emotional."
But Francine Dupuis, associate CEO of the Central West regional health agency said not to worry.
"If that lady is worried, she should call us because it's an exception that is being accepted for either the spouse or the significant (other) of the pregnant woman," said Dupuis in an interview with CJAD 800.
Dupuis said the new rules about hospital visitors may have been misinterpreted.
She added that anyone with such concerns should contact the hospital.
The Jewish General Hospital is looking into the matter.